I love it so much.

The more I read from the highly cerebral, with their exquisitely-crafted, complex philosophies for why they are so furious at [take your pick: gays, Jews, women, sluts, immigrants, socialists, whatever], the more convinced I become that the whole edifice is constructed on one big problem: they don't know how to make friends. Not valuing human capital or knowing how to make friends -- which of course requires forgiving things like hypocrisy -- is very much downstream of their other problems.

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That was dark, but so true. Having understood the process, I made a midlife shift. There will always be challenges in life, finding your crap tolerance limits makes all the difference. Building that charisma and passion is essential.

Thank you.

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This is real thought. Get with it. Keep this brain train going, man, the world needs more thinkers again! 🤘

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Sound counsel!

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Best to acknowledge the element of "irreducible rascality" than to sweep it under a rug into a pile that someone trips over later

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I suppose there is sound advice here for getting ahead in life. I prefer to take my counsel from less pragmatic but more wise and moral sources. That may mean I am less successful as the world measures success. I can live with it.

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This is a brilliant post that embraces the Buddhist concept of non-duality. Very fascinating. I realized recently: until we've arrived at the paradox, we haven't arrived at the Truth. Truth is self-balancing, which means it's contradictory. It contains opposites. You've captured that here brilliantly. Hats off

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What can sluts do to "improve your strategic position"? I understood most of the other examples in the list, but that one is unclear to me.

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Completely brilliant

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Admiring people who deserve to be in a real life bonfire of the vanities

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Bonfire of the Vanities. Boom 💥

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Admiring people who deserve to be in a real life bonfire of the vanities

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>Getting what you want and acting how you want are frequently at odds.

Why even want things? I will just acting how I want as I don't want things.

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