Ancient Problemz
Ancient Problemz Blahcast
Dysgenics at the Zoo w/ Kryptogal

Dysgenics at the Zoo w/ Kryptogal

Millennial exuberance, pussy hats, women in cages.

***Big thanks to IndustrialBrah for creating "Trigger Problemz," the Ancient Problemz Blahcast anthem.***

In this paid episode I sit down to speak with Kryptogal, who I contacted after reading her piece Femininity is Fake, But Masculinity is Real, and consuming her various collaborations with Walt Bismark. She has a keen eye for observing some of the darker, more hardcoded dimensions of male/female relations, along with the gift of gab. Being both a lawyer and a Stacey gives her a unique perspective on intellect, sex, and whether or not the future will put women in cages.

I've included a teaser of the episode to give you a taste of the rest which gets significantly spicier and is not for prudes or misers. To hear the full episode, upgrade to paid or claim your free trial now.

Topics discussed include:

  • America's culinary makeover and Revenge of the Yankees

  • American Gladiators and betting on ugly

  • Are trans people the new Scandinavians?

  • The political organization of little people

  • Blank slatism and why you can't say the r-word

  • AskMen,, HBO's Real Sex

  • Watching SATC w/ yr mom

  • Indulgent boomers and exuberant millennials

  • Mad Men, Sopranos, Midsommar

  • Should org charts involve sexual segregation?

  • Do women respect rank or authority?

  • The desire to be led by one's superiors

  • The allure of DJT

  • Is Bill Clinton the greatest Republican president of the last 40 years?

  • Is the Internet unwelcoming to women?

  • The WQ

  • "Flicking-the-lightswitch" energy

  • The moderating influence of women

  • Is it cheating to complain about meanness in an argument?

  • Lurking on wife/mother forums

  • Albion's Seed

  • Are the best historians women?

  • Earning the respect of dogs

  • Do dogs misgender and deadname?

  • ’s  How to kill a brand

  • Ceasefire in the battle of the sexes

  • Is Pride backfiring?

  • The human desire for ops

  • Can men be themselves in coed environments?

  • Male paternalism

  • Will we go full Afghanistan?

  • Populist revolt

  • Charlottesville

  • January 6th

  • The epistemology of the pussy hat

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Ancient Problemz
Ancient Problemz Blahcast
Contemporary answers for legacy tribulations.