After some technical difficulties, I was able to connect with the elusive
through the brick walls of her Midwestern Wife Dungeon. In this Blahcast we discuss dating and partying in the early 2000’s. We also talk about Terry Richardson, American Apparel ads, the music genre that is bloghaus, Web 2.0, and how the battle of the sexes has progressed in the last 20 years.
Topics discussed:
Should men fistfight more?
Email mills and vape lung
Low effort misogyny versus more thoughtful sexism
Hotdog necks
Is Luigi Mangione a mama's boy?
Joe Rogan cringe versus Mark Zuckerberg cringe
Is growing armpit hair a wealthy woman's game?
In which ways are men not giving women their due dignity?
Is the cure for a wet pussy the male selfie?
Are women superficial in their dating preferences or do their preferences reflect import signals that are hard to fake?
Do white women smell more than other women?
Is Ancient Problemz a psychopath?
Are people showering too much?
Is there a generational divide between Jews older than 40 and those who are younger?
Are left wing misogynists worse than right wing misogynists?
Are women morally superior to men?
Can men access virtues that women cannot?
Did the Industrial Revolution feminize everyone?
Are wordcels more sexist than shape-rotators?
Running at 6:00 am and doing 1,000 push-ups
Binge drinking with runners
Being an iPod Allstar
Taking pills at prep school
Alcohol, dancing, sex
Dry humping, doing the hustle
Shopping on the dance floor and sniffing people's butts
Clubbing with your husband
Simulating sex acts in public
Are people hornier in The South
Electroclash as the antithesis to Grunge
American Apparel
Dov Charney
- and the tenets of Starkism
Refusing to learn how to speak to women will make you low status
How to get a diamond in between your pecs
Is it impossible to have certain arguments honestly across groups?
The Flat Version of History
HR versus everyone
Acai bowls and break rooms
Cigars and hookers
A certain type of person in your phone
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